Friday, March 20, 2009


Have you ever had reality just slap you right in the mouth? I know, I know your saying “reality slaps me every day”, but I mean the true reality of this world or maybe just this country or just the town you live in. I had a rude awakening this week and I’m not really going to elaborate but let’s just say it slapped me right upside the head and the mouth. I get up every morning and unless I don’t turn on the TV or the radio or get on the internet or have a conversation with anybody. I don’t hear anything bad about the economy or someone losing their job or being sick and tired or having some type or tragedy in their lives and honestly it all just brings me closer to God and lets me have more appreciation for Jesus and what he did for me. Times like these should remind us all of Job the Lord had blessed Job in many ways he was a very wealthy man that had everything a man could want. He had what we would call a huge farm with many animals and many servants many Sons and Daughters and most of all he feared God and turned away from evil and yet God allowed Satan to test him in every way imaginable. Job lost everything all his animals most of his servants, his children, his health everything gone in the blink of an eye. Yet we can all learn a valuable lesson from Job for he did not blame God he blamed himself. Why you ask, because even though he feared God he had not raised his children to fear God he had not appreciated all the things that God had blessed him with and he knew it. He had let his children run wild and let them party and drink and run head on into evil. His farm was so large and his greed so blinding that he most likely didn’t even know what he possessed. Then when it was all taken away he didn’t blame God, he knew who was to blame, Himself. In fact the Bible says he refused to curse God but cursed the day of his own birth. I think that this relates very well to the times we are in right now in this country. This country has a whole has refused to see God’s blessing on or lives refused to see all we have been given, we have not taught our children to fear God and see what Jesus did for them. We have run into some hard times and it’s our own fault because we sit idly by and watch the people of this country loss faith in Jesus or even forget who Jesus is. It is our own ignorance and greed that is the problem we are only getting what we ask for in my opinion, we have put our faith in man instead of God. I have already stated before that we can’t even always trust ourselves much less other men. My good old gospel preacher said it well he said “Job may have cursed the day he was born but there is one day you won’t curse that is the day your reborn”. I am going to keep saying this until someone listens, learn who Jesus is, get saved, witness to someone, work for the lord, blame your own stupid decisions that you made without the good Lord in your life on yourself. Remember God will give you what you ask for so my question is what are you asking for?

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